Collaborative Health Systems Generates $91 Million in Medicare Savings in 2020

Company generates over $475 million in total Medicare savings since 2012
TAMPA, Fla. (Dec. 29, 2021) – Collaborative Health Systems (CHS) announced today that its collective support and services have helped Medicare healthcare providers achieve $91 million in total savings through the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model and Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) in 2020, according to figures released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
CHS partners with healthcare providers serving the Medicare population, helping them organize and improve the quality, cost, and experience of the program through value-based models such as ACOs and independent provider associations (IPAs).
In performance year 2020, CHS:
• Operated eight MSSP and two Next Generation ACOs;
• Served more than 130,000 Medicare beneficiaries across 11 states and the District of Columbia;
• Achieved an overall savings rate of 5.9%;
• Generated $66 million in shared savings – a 28% increase from performance year 2019; and,
• Shared $29.3 million of savings directly with providers.
In addition to cost savings, CHS-supported ACOs scored an overall quality score of 97% for performance year 2020 derived through a range of metrics including preventive screenings, health outcomes, and consumer experience ratings. This superior level of care also helped keep patients out of the hospital and ER resulting in a 27% reduction in ER visits; a 16% reduction in hospitalizations for people with chronic conditions; and a 19% reduction in overall hospitalizations since performance year 2019.
“Our quality-of-care metrics are a clear indictor of the success Collaborative Health Systems continues to demonstrate by supporting providers as they transition to value-based care,” said Dr. Brian Steele, D.O., CHS Chief Medical Officer. “Our provider partners are able to achieve innovation and clinical excellence, while also transforming the quality and delivery of healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries.”
CHS is an industry leader in ACO programs and has become one of the largest multi-state ACO operators nationally. In 2021, CHS held provider partnerships in Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, D.C., West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
In addition, CHS is the only multi-state operator for the Next Generation ACO Model nationwide, enabling the company to be uniquely qualified to help providers navigate a rapidly evolving landscape and transition to Direct Contracting. CHS has generated over $475 million in total savings to the Medicare program and provided more than $130 million in direct payments to providers across Medicare programs, including Fee for Service (FFS) and Medicare Advantage.
“Medicare providers are increasingly turning to innovative care models to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of care,” said Anthony Valdés, President of Collaborative Health Systems. “Over the years, CHS has demonstrated how we can support our provider partners, big and small, on their journey to recognizing the savings associated with value-based care.”
Performance year 2021 represents the last year of the Next Generation ACO Model. The CMS Innovation Center has rolled out a new value-based care initiative, Direct Contracting, with April 2021 and January 2022 start dates for initial adopters. Collaborative Health Systems will manage four Direct Contracting Entities with a presence across 23 states and the District of Columbia.
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