About CIPA

Chesapeake IPA (CIPA) is an independent physician association (IPA) that was organized in 2018 to benefit small to large independent practices in Maryland. Our network now has over 150 physicians.
  • We are composed of primarily primary care practices, but welcome specialists, acute, and post-acute care providers into our network.
  • Our participating providers have increased revenue potential from more favorable Fee-For-Service payments, value-based payer programs, and group purchasing contracts.
  • CIPA is provider-led and is organized to participate effectively in federal, state, and private payer value-based programs such as:
    • the Medicare Shared Savings Program
    • the Maryland Primary Care Program (MDPCP)
    • the ACO Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (ACO REACH) Model, redesigned from the previous Global and Professional Direct Contracting (GPDC) Model
    • Commercial Health Plans
    • Medicare Advantage
    • Primary Care First

Collaborative Health Systems Partnership

To achieve our mission of thriving in value-based care, CIPA has partnered with Collaborative Health Systems (CHS).  CHS is one of the leading MSOs in the United States and serves as our population health management organization (PHMSO).  They collaborate with CIPA participants to provide customized actionable data and analytics, strategic growth planning, care coordination, and market leadership to help prepare practices to take advantage of value-based contracts.
  • Since 2012, CHS has been a leader in value-based care in Maryland. CHS manages two Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)—Mid-Atlantic ACO and the Accountable Care Coalition of Northeast Partners—and supports MDPCP participants through the Maryland Collaborative Care Transformation Organization (MDCCTO).